ISOE Database

Technical Centers collect, input, quality control and store their memberfs countries data, and distribute data on occupational exposure and information of dose reduction techniques, as well as manage and analyse such data.

E Dosimetric information from commercial nuclear power plants in operation or some stage of decommissioning includes, for example, for each participating unit:
- annual collective dose for normal operation;
- maintenance/refueling outage dose;
- collective dose for unplanned outage periods;
- annual collective dose for certain tasks and worker categories.

E Plant-specific information contains data pertinent to dose reduction, such as materials, water chemistry, start-up/shut down procedures, cobalt reduction program, etc.
- Dynamic indicators
outage, hot spot and crud information, decontamination, etc.
- Static indicators
component and material indicators, primary circuit water chemistry, etc.

E Radiation protection information covers specific operations, jobs, procedures, equipment or tasks such as;
- effective dose reduction;
- effective decontamination;
- implementation of work management principles.

MADRAS Function for the predefined analysis of the ISOE database for easy use.