Pertinent information concerning the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPS accident
Dose-of-radiation management system
Radiation control immediately after the accident

Nearly 1 hour after the earthquake, tsunamis reached to the turbine buildings and also other buildings facing the sea depriving the function of the control system, and rendering many of the electronic alarm pocket dosimeters (APD) and dose reading devices unusable as they became submerged in seawater. Also, due to the increase of radiation and contamination levels in the power station site, preparation, distribution of APDs and recording of doses were performed in the Seismic Isolated Building.

The flow of radiological exposure control
To enter name and daily exposure dose in a paper.→To enter the data in the computer→To save in a database
By shortage of APD, the leader in a working group wore APD in a part of work.→TEPCO procured enough APDs by April 1.Each worker could carry their own APD.→Radiation control system was restored nearly completely on April 14.The radiation control before an earthquake became possible.